Haematology News/Publications


  • Kudva G,Chandy M,Dennison D,Srivastava A,Bhushan V. .Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in adults with modified BFM regimen. Ind J Cancer.1994,31: 1-7.
  • Kudva G,Chandy M, Raghupathy P,Dennison D,Srivastava A,Bhushan V,Singh R. Treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastc leukaemia with BFM regimen. Ind J Cancer. 1994, 31: 78-75
  • Bhushan V, Chandy M,Babu GP,Dennison D,Srivastava A,Saraswathi NK,Jacob John T. Transfusion associated HIV infection in patients with haematologic disorders in southern India. Ind Jr Med Res 1994, 99: 57-60
  • Bhave A, Chandy M, Jacob John T, Sudarsanam A, Christopher S and Dennison D. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Mononucleosis Syndrome. Ind J Pediatr 1994, 61: 584-585
  • Bhushan V,Chandy M,Khanduri U,Dennison D,Srivastava A, Apte S. Surgery in patients with congenital coagulation disorders.Natl Med J Ind 1994, 7: 8-12.
  • Ramani P, Krishnaswami H, Srivastava A, Dennison D, Chandy M. Infections in bone marrow transplant recipients in South India - a post mortem study. .Jr Trop Med Hyg 1994,97: 354-356.


  • Patel AP, Chandy M. Raghupathy P, Kirubakaran C, Khanduri U. Hereditary Factor XIII Deficiency. Indian J Pediatr 1993;60:441-444.
  • Chandy M, Khanduri U, Dennison D. Developing Hemophilia services in India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med and Pub Health 1993, 24 (suppl1): 66-68.
  • Nerurkar VR, Babu GP, Song KJ, Melland RR, Gnanamuthu G, Saraswathi NK, Chandy M, Godec MS, Jacob John T, Yanagihara R. Sequence analysis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I strains from southern India: gene amplification and direct sequencing from whole blood blotted onto filter paper. Journal of General Virology.1993,74:2799-2805


  • Exner T, Srivastava A, Favalaro E, Gallo J. An unusual circulating anticoagulant in an elderly patient. Thromb Haemost 1991;65:1364
  • Chandy M. Everyday Practice: Blood component therapy. National Medical Journal of India. 1991;4,4:191-193.
  • Chudgar U,Shah RV,Krishnaswamy H and Chandy M. Hairy Cell leukaemia - a review of nine cases. Indian Journal of Cancer. 1991;28:155-161
  • Chandy M,George Babu P. Saraswathy NK, Ishida T and Jacob John T. HTLV-1 infection in patients with leukaemia in southern India. Lancet.1991;338:380-381
  • Patel AP, Chandy M, Sudarsanam A. Refractory chronic pure red cell aplasia [PRCA] treated with Vincristine and Daunorubicin. Br J Haematology.1991.78:3,457-458
  • Chandy M. Report of the Collaborative study on Haemophilia Indian Council of Medical Research.1991.Editor.
  • Chandy M. Symposium on Inherited Coagulation Disorders.Clinical Approach :Ind J of Haemat.1991;IX,2:53-56.
  • Chandy M . Disordered Haemostasis in Leukaemia.Editorial. Indian J of Haematology.1991;IX,4:157-158.
  • Hariharan J,Muralidharan M, Korula R and Chandy M. Hickman Catheter implantation in the treatment of acute leukaemia.JAPI.1991;39,2:168-170.

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Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation forThalassemia Major. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2014 Dec;28(6):1187-1200. doi: 10.1016/j.hoc.2014.08.009. Mathews V, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Epub 2014 Sep 22. Review. PubMed PMID: 25459187.

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