Research >> Haemostasis/Thrombosis

Haemostasis Disorders

This is another area of major interest in the department from the molecular genetics perspective. Methods for genetic analysis of a wide range of coagulation and platelet function disorders have been established and applied to understand the biology of these diseases and genotype-phenotype correlations. This work has also led to 2 PhD in this field from the department apart from making major contributions to the understanding of the genetics of these disorders. We are also studying the molecular basis of rare coagulation deficiencies such as factor (F) I, prothrombin, F5, F5+F8, F7, F10, F11 and F13 deficiency and establishing algorithms for the genetic diagnosis in these conditions. In addition we are also elucidating the role of various molecular regulators of blood induced joint damage in preclinical models of haemophilia.

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Project 1: Assessment of the effectiveness of prophylactic replacement of lower than standard doses of clotting factor concentrates in children which severe hemophilia A 2012-14 Principal Investigator: Dr. Alok Srivastava Co-Invistogators: Drs. Auro Viswabandya/Aby Abharam/pratheep Mathew P /Gibikote Sridhar/ Shyam Kumar Nidugala Keshave
  • Project 2: Prevalence of inhibitors in patients with severe hemophilia A in India: Impact of environmental and genetic factors on prevalence. Funded by DBT, India, 2011-2014. Principal Investigator: Dr. Vikram Mathews Co-Invistogators: Drs. Alok Srivastava/Sukesh C Nair/Biju George/Aby Abharam/Shaji RV/Jayandhran G Rao
  • Project 3: Molecular genetics of rare bleeding disorders in Indian population- funded by DBT, India, 2009-2014. Principal Investigator: Jayandharan G Rao Co-Invistogators: Drs. Alok Srivastava/Auro Viswabandya/Sukesh C Nair/Vikram Mathews/Biju George/Eunice E Sindhuvi

Faculties Involved

  • Alok Srivastava, M.D
  • Vikram Mathews, M.D., DM
  • Jayandharan G Rao, Ph.D