Infrastructure >> Clinical >> Day Care Chemotherapy Center

Day care chemotherapy center is located in A Block, has 12 beds, with ICU on the ground floor, a playroom on the 8th, HEPA filter beds and Bone Marrow Transplantation rooms on the 9th. All rooms are fitted with modern amenities including regulated air-conditioning, using a highly energy saving system. There are 80-120 patients attend the day care daily for various procedures such as – administration of chemotherapy, dressing of central venous devices access (PICC, Hickman’s and Jugular line), venous access insertion/removal, lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration, Ketamine anaesthesia for children for BM/LP, skin biopsy, thoracentesis, phlebotomy, blood sampling and administration of blood and blood products. Donor lymphocyte infusion, blood cultures are taken for neutropenic patients followed by administration of antibiotics.

Day Care Chemotherapy Center Day Care Chemotherapy Center

Apheresis is the process of extracting blood components with the help of an apheresis machine. Anticoagulated blood is pumped into the apheresis machine and the desired fraction is collected based on density. The remaining elements are returned to the donor (or patients) by intermittent or continuous flow.

Apheresis is performed for the following components

  • Single donor platelets - The platelet apheresis product from a single person contains platelet equivalent of six to nine units of conventional platelet concentrations prepared from a single unit of whole blood.
  • Peripheral blood stem cells - Stem cells mobilized in to the peripheral blood from the bone marrow are collected for an allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplant.
  • Granulocytes - Granulocytes are collected for infections which are unresponsive to antibiotics.
  • Donor lymphocytes - Peripheral blood mononuclear cells collected from the original allograft donors are used for donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) as and when indicated.