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Dr. Alok Srivastava

Dr. Alok Srivastava MD, FRACP, FRCPA, FRCP

Professor, Department of Haematology
Membership & WHO assignments

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Dr. Alok Srivastava MD, FRACP, FRCPA, FRCP

Professor, Department of Haematology
Membership & WHO assignments

“Will be updated Soon”

Research Projects


Project Title


Funding Agency

Starting Date

Current Projects


Low dose prophylaxis in hemophilia – A multicenter international study in Developing countries


Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program, USA



Assessment of an Anti-TFPI Aptamer in correcting the abnormal haemostasis of blood from patients with haemophilia and evaluation of its concentration - effect relationship. [Principal Investigator]


Archemix Corporation, USA



Program support for Molecular Haematology – 7 projects Govt. of India [Co-Team Leader]


Department of Biotechnology,
Govt. of India



Novel Molecular Mechanisms leading to a haemophilia “A” phenotype


Bayer Health Care-Hemophilia Awards Program, USA



Centre for Stem Cell Research-A CMC – DBT Collaboration
[Project Coordinator]


Department of Biotechnology
Govt. of India


Completed Projects


An open label, single arm study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of
Rituximab in CD 20+ve Diffuse large
B cell lymphoma along with CHOP
Chemotherapy [Principal Investigator]


Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory



Musculo-skeletal function in hemophilia in developing countries – First international multi-center study [Principal Investigator]


Bayer Health Care,
Hemophilia Awards Program, USA



Evaluation of adult stem cells (Haematopoietic, Mesenchymal, Gastrointestinal epithelial):
Biology and potential applications In tissue regeneration, immune-modulation and as vehicles for gene therapy. [Program Coordinator]


Department of Biotechnology
Govt. of India



Haematopoietic stem cells: Establishing technology for collection, isolation, purification and expansion. [Principal Investigator]


Department of Biotechnology,
Govt. of India



Role of minor HLA and other immunogenetic markers in familial bone marrow transplantation for thalassaemia major. [Principal Investigator-India]


Govts. of India and France


Pharmacogenetics of Busulfan and Cyclophophamide [Principal Investigator]





Establishing a centre for genetic diagnosis of haemat. diseases (thalassaemia, haem-mophilia, Glanzmann thrombasthenia, leukaemias) [Joint Investigator]


Department of Biotechnology,
Govt. of India



Joint study on Glanzmann thrombasthenia in India – Clinical, laboratory and genetic aspects [PrincipalInvestigator- India]


As above & NIH, USA (B.Coller)
MOH, Israel

Sept, 1997


Evaluation of low-dose continuous infusion of factor concentrates for
major surgery in severe haemophilia. [Principal Investigator]


Bayer Corp, USA
I.S.I spa, Italy
(Plasma derived factors)

Jan, 1999
Jun, 1999


Evaluation of low dose FEIBA for haemostasis during surgery USA for patients with haemophilia and high titre inhibitors [Principal Investigator]


Baxter Healthcare,

Mar, 1999


Evaluation of amifostine for the prevention of cyclophosphamide induced haemorrhagic cystitis [Principal Investigator]


Fulford (India) Ltd

Jan, 1997


A randomized trial of two schedules of subcutaneous HBV vaccination in patients with acute leukaemia [Co- Investigator]


Fluid Research,
CMC Hospital &Fulford (India) Ltd

April, 1999


Arsenic trioxide for the treatment of APML


Fluid Research,
CMC Hospital

Jan, 1998


BMT for thalassaemia in India – Setting up of an Advanced centre at CMC Hospital, Vellore


Govt. of India



Thalassaemias in the Indian sub-continent – Clinical management and prevention


INSERM, France


Education And Training



Particulars Of Work Done


Christian Medical College, Vellore

Undergraduate education in Medicine


Christian Medical College, Vellore

Postgraduate training in General Medicine


Christian Medical College, Vellore

Sub-specialty experience in Haematology


Inst of Clin Path & Med Res Westmead Centre,
Sydney, Australia

Training in Haematology
(Clinical & Laboratory)


Red Cross Blood Trans Service
Sydney, Australia

Transfusion Medicine

Professional Qualifications


University / College




University of Madras, India




University of Madras, India




Royal Australasian College of Physicians

(Subspecialty – Haematology)



Royal Australasian College of Physicians



FRCP (Hon)

Royal College of Physicians, UK



Current Positions

  • Professor of Medicine, Tamil Nadu Medical University, India
  • Head, Department of Haematology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
  • Head, Center for Stem Cell Research, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
  • Chair, National Apex Committee, Stem Cell Research & Therapy, DHR, Govt. of India
  • Vice-Chair, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplantation Research, USA
  • Vice President (Medical), World Federation of Hemophilia, Canada

Previous Positions

  • Co-chair, FVIII/IX subcommittee, SSC of ISTH (2001-2006)
  • Chair, FVIII/IX subcommittee, SSC of ISTH (2006-2010)
  • Chair, International EQA Scheme, World Federation of Hemophilia (2008-2012)
  • Co-Chair, Taskforce on Stem Cell Research and Regen Med, DBT, Govt. of India (2006-2012)
  • Co-Chair, Clinical Translation Committee, ISSCR (2008-2011)

Previous Appointments


Junior Lecturer

Department of Haematology



Christian Medical College, Vellore



Affiliated to the


Associate Professor

Tamil Nadu MGR Medical University,

1996 onwards


Chennai, India

Honours Received

  • 2002 :Rev. Fr. Lourdu M. Yeddanapalli Gold Medal for the best researcher, Christian Medical College, Vellore
  • 2004: Manorma Sapre Oration – Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
  • 2006: Henri Chaigneau Medal – XVIth International prize of the French Association of Haemophiliacs
  • 2007: J G Parikh Oration – Indian Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine
  • 2009: L R Sarin Oration – SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajastahan.
  • 2009: Das Gupta Oration – Indian Academy of Neurology
  • 2010: Pia Glas Greenwalt Memorial Lecture – International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
  • 2012: Ramalingaswamy Oration – Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi

Membership of Professional Bodies

  • Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
  • International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis
  • American Society of Hematology
  • International Society for Stem Cell Research

World Health Organization Assignments

  • Haemophilia care in the developing world – June,1997. Represented developing countries in this joint WHO / WFH meeting
  • Impact, prevention and control of von Willebrand disease – October, 1998. Represented developing countries in this joint WHO / ISTH meeting
  • Delivery of Haemophilia Treatment – February, 2002. Represented developing countries in this joint WHO / WFH meeting

Advisory Positions

  • Associate Editor, Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Alloimmunity and Transplantation
  • Member, Editorial Board of HAEMOPHILIA
  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis
  • Member, Editorial Board, Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Contact Details

Dr. Alok Srivastava MD, FRACP, FRCPA, FRCP

Department of Haematology,
Christian Medical College,
Vellore - 632004, India.
Phone: +91 416 2282352 / 2282472
Fax : +91 416 2226449 / 2232035

Centre for Stem Cell Research,
Christian Medical College,
Bagayam, Vellore-632002, India.
Phone: +91-416-2284101 / 2284102
Fax: +91-416-2284103 / 2226449

Scientific publications

  • Shima M, Thachil J, Nair SC, Srivastava A. Towards standardization of clot waveform analysis and recommendations for its clinical applications.J Thromb Haemost. 2013 Jul;11(7):1417-20.
  • Srivastava A, Brewer AK, Mauser-Bunschoten EP, Key NS, Kitchen S, Llinas A, Ludlam CA, Mahlangu JN, Mulder K, Poon MC, Street A; Treatment Guidelines Working Group on Behalf of The World Federation Of Hemophilia. Guidelines for the management of hemophilia. Haemophilia. 2013 Jan;19(1):e1-47.
  • Mathews V, George B, Viswabandya A, Abraham A, Ahmed R, Ganapule A, Sindhuvi E, Lakshmi KM, Srivastava A. Improved Clinical Outcomes of High Risk β Thalassemia Major Patients Undergoing a HLA Matched Related Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant with a Treosulfan Based Conditioning Regimen and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Grafts. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 26;8(4):e61637.
  • Hareendran S, Balakrishnan B, Sen D, Kumar S, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors in gene therapy: immune challenges and strategies to circumvent them. Rev Med Virol. 2013 Nov;23(6):399-413.
  • Sen D, Chapla A, Walter N, Daniel V, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Nuclear factor (NF)-κB and its associated pathways are major molecular regulators of blood-induced joint damage in a murine model of hemophilia. J Thromb Haemost. 2013 Feb;11(2):293-306
  • Devi GS, Arora N, Rajkumar SV, Edison ES, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Fluorescent PCR-based gene dose analysis for detection of deletion mutations in carriers of haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2013 Jul 16. doi: 10.1111/hae.12233.
  • Athiyarath R, Arora N, Fuster F, Schwarzenbacher R, Ahmed R, George B, Chandy M, Srivastava A, Rojas AM, Sanchez M, Edison ES. Two novel missense mutations in iron transport protein transferrin causing hypochromic microcytic anaemia and haemosiderosis: molecular characterization and structural implications. Br J Haematol. 2013 Nov;163(3):404-7.
  • Abraham A, Karathedath S, Varatharajan S, Markose P, Chendamarai E, Jayavelu AK, George B, Srivastava A, Mathews V, Balasubramanian P. ABCB6 RNA expression in leukemias-expression is low in acute promyelocytic leukemia and FLT3-ITD-positive acute myeloid leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2013 Jun 22.
  • Desire S, Mohanan EP, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Srivastava A, Balasubramanian P. A rapid & sensitive liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantitation of busulfan levels in plasma & application for routine therapeutic monitoring in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Indian J Med Res. 2013 Apr;137(4):777-84.
  • Sen D, Balakrishnan B, Gabriel N, Agrawal P, Roshini V, Samuel R, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Improved adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 1 and 5 vectors for gene therapy. Sci Rep. 2013 May 13;6:1832.
  • Rajamanickam M, Michael R, Sampath V, John JA, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A. Should ice be used in the treatment of acute haemarthrosis in haemophilia? Haemophilia. 2013 Apr 16. doi: 10.1111/hae.12163.
  • Sumitha E, Jayandharan GR, Arora N, Abraham A, David S, Sankari Devi G,Shenbagapriya P, Nair SC, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A. Molecular basis of quantitative fibrinogen disorders in 27 patients from India. Haemophilia. 2013 Apr 8. doi: 10.1111/hae.12143.
  • Sen D, Gadkari RA, Sudha G, Gabriel N, Kumar YS, Selot R, Samuel R, Rajalingam S, Ramya V, Nair SC, Srinivasan N, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Targeted modifications in adeno-associated virus serotype 8 capsid improves its hepatic gene transfer efficiency in vivo. Hum Gene Ther Methods. 2013 Apr;24(2):104-16.doi: 10.1089/hgtb.2012.195
  • Gabriel N, Hareendran S, Sen D, Gadkari RA, Sudha G, Selot R, Hussain M, Dhaksnamoorthy R, Samuel R, Srinivasan N, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Bioengineering of AAV2 capsid at specific serine, threonine, or lysine residues improves its transduction efficiency in vitro and in vivo. Hum Gene Ther Methods. 2013 Apr;24(2):80-93.
  • Balakrishnan B, Sen D, Hareendran S, Roshini V, David S, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR. Activation of the cellular unfolded protein response by recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53845. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053845.
  • Athiyarath R, Srivastava A, Edison ES. Molecular basis of primary iron overload in India and the role of serum-derived factors in hepcidin regulation. Ann Hematol. 2013 Jun;92(6):843-4.
  • Alkindi SS, Zadjali SA, Daar SA, Sindhuvi E, Wali YA, Pathare AV, Venugopal S, Lapoumeroulie C, Srivastava A, Krishnamoorthy R. A Stepwise α Thalassemia Screening Strategy in High Prevalence Areas. Eur J Haematol. 2013 May 13. doi:10.1111/ejh.12136.
  • Jain PP, Parihar M, Ahmed R, Abraham A, Vishwabandya A, George B, Mathews V, Srivastava A, Srivastava VM. Fluorescence in situ hybridization patterns of BCR/ABL1 fusion in chronic myelogenous leukemia at diagnosis. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2012 Jul-Sep;55(3):347-51.
  • Gorczyca ME, Nair SC, Jilma B, Priya S, Male C, Reitter S, Knoebl P, Gilbert JC, Schaub RG, Dockal M, McGinness KE, Pabinger I, Srivastava A. Inhibition of tissue factor pathway inhibitor by the aptamer BAX499 improves clotting of hemophilic blood and plasma. J Thromb Haemost. 2012 Aug;10(8):1581-1590.
  • Dargaud Y, Sorensen B, Shima M, Hayward C, Srivastava A, Negrier C. Global haemostasis and point of care testing. Haemophilia. 2012 Jul;18 Suppl 4:81-8.

<< More Publications

American Society of Hematology - 2011

  • Vikram Mathews, Biju George, Farah Jijina, Cecil Ross, Reena Nair, Shashikant Apte, Geetha Narayanan, Atul Sharma, Kavitha M Lakshmi, Auro Viswabandya, Ezhilarasi Chendamarai, Poonkuzhali Balasubramanian, Vivi Srivastava, Mammen Chandy, and Alok Srivastava. Final Analysis of a Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial (IAPLSG04) to Study the Optimal Duration of Arsenic Trioxide Maintenance Therapy in the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. ASH 2011, Oral Presentation.
  • Vikram Mathews, Biju George, Kavitha M Lakshmi, Aby Abraham, Rayaz Ahmed, Auro Viswabandhya, and Alok Srivastava Improved Clinical Outcomes of High Risk β Thalassemia Major Patients Under Going a HLA Matched Related Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant with the Use of a Treosulphan Based Conditioning Regimen and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Grafts. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2011; 118: 1017.
  • Biju George, Vikram Mathews, Kavitha M Lakshmi, Rayaz Ahmed, Aby Abraham, and Alok Srivastava Response to Immunosuppressive Therapy with Antithymocyte Globulin (ATG) In Older Patients with Aplastic Anemia. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2011; 118: 4374
  • Ezhilarasi Chendamarai, Poonkuzhali Balasubramanian, Biju George, Kavitha M Lakshmi, Auro Viswabandhya, Aby Abraham, Rayaz Ahmed, Ansu Abu Alex, Saravanan Ganesan, Mammen Chandy, Alok Srivastava, and Vikram Mathews.Role of Minimal Residual Disease Monitoring in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Treated with Arsenic Trioxide in Frontline Therapy. ASH 2011, Oral Presentation.
  • Poonkuzhali Balasubramanian, Salamun Desire, John C Panetta, Kavitha M Lakshmi, Ezhilpavai Mohanan, Auro Viswabandya, Biju George, Vikram Mathews, Mammen Chandy and Alok Srivastava. Pharmacokinetics of Cyclophosphamide Metabolites Influence Outcome in Patients with β-Thalassemia Major Undergoing Allogeneic HSCT. ASH 2011, Poster Presentation.
  • Savitha Varatharajan, Ajay Abraham, Shaji R Velayudhan, Rayaz Ahmed, Aby Abraham, Biju George, Mammen Chandy, Alok Srivastava, Vikram Mathews, and Poonkuzhali Balasubramanian. Carbonyl Reductase 1 Expression and Polymorphisms Influence Daunorubicin Metabolism in AML. ASH 2011, Poster Presentation.

Indian Society of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine - 2011

  • M Ezhil Pavai, B Poonkuzhali, M Sathya, R Ahmed, A Abraham, A Srivastava, V Mathews, B George.Targeted Dose Adjustment of i.v. Busulfan in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: First Report from India. ISHTM 2011.
  • J Priyadharshini, C Ezhilarasi, A Abraham, J Ashok Kumar, Senthamizhselvi, R Ahmed, B George, V Mathews, A Srivastava, B Poonkuzhali. Screening for FIP1L1-PDGFRa Fusion Transcript in Patients with Chronic Eosinophilia: Single Center Experience. ISHTM 2011.
  • Savitha Varatharajan, A Abraham, A Kumar J, Shaji RV, R Ahmed, A Abraham, B George, M Chandy, A Srivastava, V Mathews, P Balasubramanian ABC Transporter Expression in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Association with In Vitro Cytotoxicity and NPM1 Mutation. ISHTM 2011.
  • Saravanan Ganesan, E Chendamarai, JG Rao, S Hareendran, AB Alex, P Balasubramanian, A Srivastava, V Mathews. Bortezomib Overcomes the Cell Adhesion Mediated Drug Resistance (CAM-DR) to Arsenic Trioxide by Down-Regulating NF-kB Pathway Activation in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. ISHTM 2011.
  • Sreeja K, A Abraham, V Savitha, B George, A Srivastava, V Mathews, P Balasubramanian. Role of Nuclear Hormone Receptors in Regulation of Efflux Transporters in AML and their Impact on Drug Resistance. ISHTM 2011.
  • Sankari Devi G, Edison ES, Viswabandya A, George B, Mathews V, Srivastava A, Jayandharan GR.  Department of Haematology, Christian Medical College, Vellore-632004, TamilNadu, India Fluorescent PCR based gene dose assessment for detection of deletion mutations among carriers of haemophilia A and haemophilia B. ISHTM 2011
  • Bargavi Balakrishnan, Ansu Abu Alex, Kotteeswari Kathirvel, Harikrishnan Babu, Riyaz Ahmed, Abi Abraham, Biju George, Vikram Mathews, Alok Srivastava. Flowcytometric analysis of CD38 expression in Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia. ISHTM 2011
  • Harikrishnan Babu, Ansu Abu Alex, Bargavi Balakrishnan, Kotteeswari Kathirvel Rayaz Ahmed, Aby Abraham, Biju George, Alok Srivastava and Vikram Mathews. Immunophenotypic characteristics of CD4+CD56+ Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm- A report of two cases. ISHTM 2011
  • Eswari.S, Eunice S. Edison, Sankari Devi.G, Alok Srivastava, Shaji R.V. Screening of gene rearrangements in a-globin genes using gene dosage analysis. ISHTM 2011
  • Neelakandan, Eunice Sindhuvi Edison, Alok  Srivastava, Shaji RV.  A de novo origin of Hemoglobin Hb Hammersmith in an Indian patient with severe hemolytic anemia . ISHTM 2011
  • Sumitha E, Abraham A, David S, Sankari Devi G, Shenbagapriya  S,  Nair SC, George B, Viswabandya A,  Mathews V, Chandy M, Jayandharan GR, Srivastava A Molecular basis of fibrinogen deficiency in 25 patients from India  ISHTM 2011
  • Thiyagaraj M, Eunice Sindhuvi Edison, Rajkumar S.V, Mammen Chandy, Alok Srivastava, Shaji RV High HbA2 homozygous β thalassaemia” caused by polyadenylation site mutation in β globin gene ISHTM 2011
  • Molecular analysis of Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) in patients from India David S, Abraham A, Patkar N, Sankari Devi G, Nair SC, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Jayandharan GR , Srivastava A ISHTM 2011
  • Sreeja K, Ajay Abraham, Savitha V, Biju George, Alok Srivastava, Vikram Mathews and Poonkuzhali Balasubramanian  Role of Nuclear Hormone Receptors in regulation of efflux transporters in AML and their impact on drug resistance.
  • Rekha.A, Rayaz Ahmed, Aby Abraham, Eapen C.E, Alok Srivastava, Eunice.S.Edison. Genetic evaluation of primary iron overload in Indian patients.
  • Sachin Jain, Eunice S. Edison, Shaji R. V, Rajkumar S. V, Rayaz Ahmed, Aby Abraham, Auro  Viswabandya, Biju George, Vikram Mathews, Alok Srivastava. Comparison of microsatellite markers for evaluation of engraftment post allogeneic  hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT)
  •  Splicing patterns of βE mRNA in HbE syndromes. Divya.J, Shaji R. V, Vikram Mathews, Alok Srivastava, Eunice S.Edison