Haematology News/Publications


  • Srivastava A, Poonkuzhali B, Shaji RV, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Krishnamoorthy R. Glutathione S-Transferase M1 Polymorphism- A Risk Factor For HepaticVeno-occlusive Disease In Bone Marrow Transplantation. Blood. 2004;104:1574-1577
  • Srivastava A. Dose and response in haemophilia: Optimization of factor replacement therapy. Br J Haematol 2004;127:12-25. Jayandharan G, Shaji RV, George B, Chandy M, Srivasatva A. Informativeness of linkage analysis for genetic diagnosis of haemophilia A in India. Haemophilia  2004; 10:553-559.
  • Fischer K, Van Den Berg HM, Thomas R, Kumar S, Poonnoose P, Viswabandya A, Mathews V, Kavitha ML, Bhattacharjee S, Srivastava A. Dose and outcome of care in haemophilia – how do we define cost-effectiveness? Haemophilia 2004; 10(suppl4): 216-220.
  • Evatt BL, Black C, Batorova A, Street A, Srivastava A. Comprehensive care for haemophilia around the world. Haemophilia. 2004 Oct;10 Suppl 4:9-13.
  • George B, Mathews V, Poonkuzhali B, Shaji RV, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Treatment of children with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia with arsenic trioxide: a single center experience. Leukemia 2004; 18:1587-1590
  • George B, Mathews V, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Infections among allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients in India. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2004;33(3):311-315
  • Lee V, Srivastava A, Palani Kumar C, Daniel AJ, Mathews V, Babu N, Chandy M, Sundararaj GD. External fixators in haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2004; 10(1):52-57.
  • George B, Poonkuzhali B, Srivastava VM, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Hematological and molecular remission with combination chemotherapy in a patient with PLZF-RAR alpha acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML). Ann Hematol. 2004 Dec 7; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Mathews V*, Hanson PT, Ford E, Fujita J, Polonsky KS, Graubert TA. Recruitment of bone marrow-derived endothelial cells to sites of pancreatic beta-cell injury. Diabetes. 2004;53:91-98.
  • Mathews V*, DiPersio JF. Stem cell transplantation in acute myelogenous leukemia in first remission: what are the options? Curr Hematol Rep. 2004;3:235-241.
  • Lee V, Srivastava A, PalaniKumar C, Daniel AJ, Mathews V, Babu N, Chandy M, Sundararaj GD. External fixators in haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2004;10:52-57.
  • Hoerr AL, Gao F, Hidalgo J, Tiwari D, Blum KA, Mathews V, Adkins DR, Blum W, Devine S, Vij R, Goodnough LT, DiPersio JF, Khoury HJ. Effects of pretransplantation treatment with rituximab on outcomes of autologous stem-cell transplantation for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22:4561-4566
  • George B, Mathews V, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Infections among allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients in India. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2004;33:311-315.
  • Fischer K, Van den Berg HM, Thomas R, Kumar S, Poonnoose P, Viswabandya A, Mathews V, Kavitha ML, Bhattacharji S, Srivastava A. Dose and outcome of care in haemophilia--how do we define cost-effectiveness? Haemophilia. 2004;10 Suppl 4:216-220.
  • Fenske TS, Pengue G, Mathews V, Hanson PT, Hamm SE, Riaz N, Graubert TA. Stem cell expression of the AML1/ETO fusion protein induces a myeloproliferative disorder in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004;101:15184-15189.
  • George B, Mathews L, Balasubramanian P, Shaji RV, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Molecular remission with arsenic trioxide in patients with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia. Haematologica. 2004 Oct;89(10):1266-1267
  • Jayandharan G, Shaji RV, George B, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Informativeness of linkage analysis for genetic diagnosis of haemophilia A in India. Haemophilia 2004; 10: 553-559.

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