Haematology News/Publications


  • Markose P, Chendamarai E, Balasubramanian P, Velayudhan SR, Srivastava VM, Mathews V, George B, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Spectrum of BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia from India with suspected resistance to imatinib-mutations are rare and have different distributions. Leuk Lymphoma. 2009 Dec;50(12):2092-2095.
  • Mathews V, Nair SC, David S, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A. Management of hemophilia in patients with inhibitors: the perspective from developing countries. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2009 Nov;35(8):820-826.
  • Thirugnanam R, George B, Chendamarai E, Lakshmi KM, Balasubramanian P, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M, Mathews V Comparison of clinical outcomes of patients with relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia induced with arsenic  trioxide and consolidated with either an autologous stem cell transplant or an arsenic trioxide-based regimen Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2009 Nov;15(11):1479-1484
  • Srivastava A. Indian Academy of Neurology: The Dasgupta Oration 2009, Neural regeneration with stem cells: Rebooting the brain. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2009 Jul;12(3):138-139
  • Pavlova A, Brondke H, Müsebeck J, Pollmann H, Srivastava A, Oldenburg J. Molecular mechanisms underlying hemophilia A phenotype in seven females. J Thromb Haemost. 2009 Jun;7(6):976-982
  • Jayandharan GR, Nair SC, Poonnoose PM, Thomas R, John J, Kesha SK, Cherian RS, Devadarshini M, Lakshmi MK, Shaji RV, Viswabandya A, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Pomymorphisms in the FVII gene modified phenotypic heterogeneity of severe haemophilia.  Haemophilia 2009; 15: 1228-1236
  • Edison ES, Athiyarath R, Rajasekar T, Westerman M, Srivastava A, Chandy M. A novel splice site mutation c.2278 (-1) G>C in the TMPRSS6 gene causes deletion of the substrate binding site of the serine protease resulting in refractory iron deficiency anaemia. Br J Haematol. 2009 Dec;147:766-9. Epub 2009 Aug 31. PubMed PMID: 19747362
  • George B, Mathews V, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Fludarabine based reduced intensity conditioning for regimens for allowgeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with aplastic anemia and fungal infections. Clin Transplant. 2009; 23: 228-232
  • Rajashekar R, Mathews V, Lakshmi ML, George B, Viswabandya A, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Cellular immune reconstitution and its impact on clinical outcome in children with beta thalassemia major undergoing a matched related myeloablative allogeneic bine marrow transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2009; 15:597-609
  • Mathews V, George B, Lakshmi KM, Viswabandya A, John JM, Sitaram U, Daniel D, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Impact of pretransplant splenectomy on patients with beta-thalassemia major undergoing a matched-related allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Pediatr Transplant. 2009;13:171-176
  • Thirugnanam R, George B, Chendamarai E, Lakshmi KM, Balasubramanian P, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M, Mathews V.  Comparison of clinical outcomes of patients with relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia induced with arsenic trioxide and consolidated with either an autologous stem cell transplant or an arsenic trioxide-based regimen. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2009;15:1479-1484.
  • Tallman MS, Mathews V, Dipersio JF. Role of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Cancer Treat Res. 2009;144:1-25
  • Mathews V*, Nair SC, David S, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A.  Management of hemophilia in patients with inhibitors: the perspective from developing countries. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2009;35:820-826
  • Mathews V*, George B, Lakshmi KM, Viswabandya A, John JM, Sitaram U, Daniel D, Chandy M, Srivastava A.  Impact of pretransplant splenectomy on patients with beta-thalassemia major undergoing a matched-related allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Pediatr Transplant. 2009;13:171-176
  • Markose P, Chendamarai E, Balasubramanian P, Velayudhan SR, Srivastava VM, Mathews V, George B, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M.  Spectrum of BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia from India with suspected resistance to imatinib-mutations are rare and have different distributions. Leuk Lymphoma. 2009;50:2092-2095
  • Jayandharan GR, Nair SC, Poonnoose PM, Thomas R, John J, Keshav SK, Cherian RS, Devadarishini M, Lakshmi KM, Shaji RV, Viswabandya A, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Polymorphism in factor VII gene modifies phenotype of severe haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2009;15:1228-1236
  • George B, Mathews V, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Fludarabine-based reduced intensity conditioning regimens for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with aplastic anemia and fungal infections. Clin Transplant. 2009;23:228-232
  • Desire S, Balasubramanian P, Bajel A, George B, Viswabandya A, Mathews V, Srivastava A, Chandy M. Frequency of TPMT alleles in Indian patients with acute lymphatic leukemia and effect on the dose of 6-mercaptopurine. Med Oncol. 2009
  • Deeken JF, Robey RW, Shukla S, Steadman K, Chakraborty A, Poonkuzhali B, Schuetz EG, Holbeck S, Ambudkar SV, Bates SE. Identification of compounds that correlate with ABCG2 transporter function in the National Cancer Institute Anticancer Drug Screen. Mol Pharmacol. 2009 Nov;76(5):946-956
  • Thirugnanam R, George B, Chendamarai E, Lakshmi KM, Poonkuzhali B, Viswabandya A, Srivastava A, Chandy M and Mathews V. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Relapsed Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Induced with Arsenic Trioxide and Consolidated with Either an Autologous Stem Cell Transplant or an Arsenic Trioxide–Based Regimen. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.  2009; Nov;15(11):1479-1484
  • Jayandharan GR, Nair SC, Poonoose P, Thomas R, John J, Keshav, SK, Cherian RS, Devadharshini M, Lakshmi KM, Shaji RV, Viswabandya A, George B, Mathews V, Chandy M, Srivastava A. Polymorphism in factor VII gene modifies phenotype of severe haemophilia. Haemophilia  2009; 15: 1228-1236
  • Lin IJ, Zhou Z, Crusselle-Davis VJ, Moghimi B, Gandhi K, Anantharaman A, Pantic D, Huang S, Jayandharan G, Zhong L, Srivastava A, Bungert J. Calpeptin increases the activity of USF and induces high-level globin gene expression in erythroid cells. J Biol Chem. 2009; 284:20 130-135

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